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作者:admin 更新时间:2015-6-16 6:07:00 点击数:157

Stock Code: 000530; 200530No: 2015-035

Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

Public Notice of Dividend Distribution for year of 2014

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. and its whole members of Board of Directors ensure

that the public notice is real, accurate and complete, and there are no any important

omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this notice.

The dividend distribution plan for year of 2014 under the name of Dalian

Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has been deliberated and approved at the

Annual Shareholder’s General Meeting 2014 held on 20th May 2015. Distribution for

the dividend for year of 2014 is disclosed as:

I. Dividend distribution plan

The equity distribution scheme for year of 2014 under the name of the Company are:

a cash dividend RMB 1.50 for every 10 shares will be paid to all the shareholders

based on a total number of 360,164,975 shares that after restricted stock

rewarded(including tax; after tax is deducted, RMB 1.35 for every 10 shares held by

A-share QFII, RQFII and individuals and securities investment funds holding

restricted shares issued for stock reform and new-restricted shares; for individuals,

securities investment funds holding other restricted shares and non-restricted

outstanding shares, different tax rates will be applied on the dividend. A dividend of

RMB 1.425 for every 10 shares will be distributed first. The taxwill be deducted

according to the actual shareholding period and number of shares sold by investor

after the equity registration day; for non-resident enterprise other than QFII and

RQFII, the Company will not withhold the income tax. Tax payers shall pay tax

whether it is accrued; the after-tax cash dividend for B-share non-resident enterprises

is RMB 1.35 for every 10 shares. Different tax rates will be applied on the cash

dividend distributed to domestic (overseas) individual shareholders. A dividend of

RMB 1.425 for every 10 shares will be distributed first. The tax will be deducted

according to the actual shareholding period and number of shares sold by the investor

after the equity registration day. ).

【Note: The shareholding period is calculated based on investors’ securities

accounts and the first-in-first-out principle. The tax for every 10 shares is RMB 0.225

for shares held for one month (one month included) or less; RMB 0.075 for shares

held for more than one month but no more than one year (one year included). No tax

will deducted for shares held for more than one year.】

The cash dividend for B-share shareholders will be distributed in HKD based on the

middle exchange rate between RMB and HKD released by the People’s Bank of

China (HKD: RMB =1: 0.7886) on the first business day after the resolution day of

General Meeting (that is May 21st 2015), according to the discount rate for div

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